
Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Power of Trust

Trust is one of the most important ideas that any great leader can use to create a unified effort.  The unfortunate truth is that even great leaders of ego can use this to reach goals that do not contribute to the health, welfare, and happiness of everyone they lead.  As you read through "Weltanschauung: Habits, Principles, and Personal Choices for Moral Leaders of the 21st Century"  In Chapter 4, "The Principles We Select," I ask you to consider the idea of  "interconnected trust."  This idea stems from the establishment of "trust groups" and initiatives in social justice.  If you are to grow into a leader of conscience, then you must at the very least understand (hopefully accept) the principles set forth as part of the chapter that deals with this idea.  After this understanding comes establishing habits needed to make the choices required to call yourself a leader of conscience.  The chapter will be an uncomfortable one, as it will address the issue that you might be an effective leader, but not a leader of conscience.  You will struggle with this if you cannot distinguish the difference between the two with enough understanding that effective leaders are not always leaders of conscience and do not have to be, but should be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is very profound Bill. It speaks volumes to where I am at in my life at the present time. Thank you for writing and sharing it and God bless your endeavors...Sherry