
Sunday, October 30, 2022

When I look into my crystal ball I see only a reflection of myself from the past, not the future.  It sort of goes like this.

It takes light from the Sun about 8 minutes to get to the Earth and reach something it will reflect off of, sending the energy that was not absorbed by the matter it bombarded with photons and electromagnetic radiation into your eye so your brain can process the visible light waves and attempt to make sense of what you might be looking at.  Yes, I know there's a lot more science behind this than the average person cares to know about, but there is even much more that I left out of this brief summary of light getting to Earth from the Sun and what happens in our body to make use of this light.  The stuff I left out is similar to the stuff that some of us are on a journey to discover as we make our way along our paths.  

I'm sure some of you might be looking to search for more about the light from the Sun (or the Son).  I'm sure some of you might be looking to find out more about how our eye and brain processes light from the Sun.  Maybe you are looking to process how "Light from the Son" is similar to light from the Sun or maybe you are wondering which came first the Sun or the light from it?  Perhaps you are on a journey of truth in the natural world.  The empirical evidence we use to understand our natural world is all around us.  Some of this is easy for us to understand and see, but there is so much that is not easily found, seen, or understood and is still only a reflection from the Sun.  Science might help us understand the natural world, but what about the supernatural world?  Is dancing in the moonlight important?

I believe the reflections of the past that we see (even if they are only about 8 minutes old) are important to understand our futures.  This is not a unique or unknown idea.  You probably have heard it many times before as some kind of history lesson.  Do not ignore these reflections as you look into your crystal ball to discover the future you seek.  Make your exodus conscious of the present and the past.

Fear None, Love All.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

When Time Goes By

I have recently found that when time goes by, on some occasions, the way we used to do things may change without us ever knowing the change took place until we begin to walk in consciousness again.  Our Conscious Exodus might become lost in an unconscious moment.  Just as a snake might pass us by in an unconscious moment, time also might do this.  The snake has the ability to be there with us without us realizing it is there and we fear not due to our unknowingness.  We coexist with it in harmony as creeps on in, slithering through the tall grasses with little or no warning signals before making you aware of its presence.  You possibly never notice the snake or are aware of its existence.

As it might turn out, you could notice the snake as it either moves by you in the bush unharmed by you and you unharmed by the snake, or it strikes at you.  Given enough time to react, you might get out to the way of its bite then it speeds away as you run in the other direction.  It also could simply stare you down as you stand in front of it as still as you can be as your heart pounds in your chest with either excitement or fear of what you came upon.  You could choose to try and pick up the snake.  You could make friends with it.  You might attempt to kill the snake.  You might even feel you want the snake to bite you.   There are a number of other options you can think of that you could do to or with the snake.  You might succeed in the choice you make.  Time is similar, but more challenging to deal with.  When time goes by in this sort of situation your internal clock might speed up or slow down and it passes by in a peculiar way.  You might feel things happening in slow motion or fast forward.

Since my last post this definitely has been the case for me.   I have been on fast forward and slow motion quite a few times in the last 8 years.  Literally, I have passed by many snakes in the grasses I have walked through.  Figuratively, this is the case as well.  With both in mind, I have been snake-bitten, stared upon the faces of the snakes that I unconsciously came upon, walked away from some and ran from those I needed to run from.  I walked with some of them in harmony and even was able to react fast enough to get out the way of a few of the strikes to avoid being bitten.  My Conscious Exodus was interrupted, but my journey continued as I lost track of the time going by while I was walking with the snakes.  When time goes by the things around you change.  When time goes by you change.  When time goes by the world is changing.  The Conscious Exodus you are on continues and when time goes by your journey moves forward.

Fear None, Love All.